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New members will receive a FREE link to two 2-hour long videos: 

Complete Beginners Intro to Broad-Edge Calligraphy and Complete Beginners Intro to Pointed Pen Calligraphy presented by our guild president, Karen Nordstrom Roberts. The videos cover all the basics for complete beginners: supplies including the recommended nibs, inks, and paper plus basic techniques and calligraphy principals for two of the major styles of calligraphy. This is a great way to start your calligraphy journey or dive into a quick refresher course. CLICK HERE to see  a description of the major calligraphy styles.

Spring 2025 In-Person Workshop


Breaking the Rules

with Mike Gold

Carnegie Mellon University

Saturday and Sunday, April 26 - 27, 2025 • 10am - 5pm

In this workshop, we examine the rules that guide formal hands in order to understand how and why to break those rules. Through a series of exercises, students will create non-traditional, informal, and even abstract letterforms and compositions in order to look beyond traditional, formal calligraphic styles. 

Participants will practice with a variety of tools, writing surfaces, and media as they gain an appreciation for ways of lettering that may be more suitable for contemporary, commercial, personal, and fine art. Important layout and design strategies will be incorporated into the sessions, and the posting and sharing of individuals’  work will provide inspiration and feedback for all.  

Samples of Mike's expressive calligraphic art:

For more information and registration click HERE

Weathergram by Carol DuBosch

View video of Weathergrams in the Garden


2024-25 Calligraphy Guild Pittsburgh Events

Save the Dates

We are planning a full year of calligraphy events - classes, play days, workshops. More details and registration information will be announced for each event soon. 

September 8, 2024 1-5 PM - Annual Meeting 

Carnegie Mellon University

After a brief business meeting, attendees are invited to:

Create a Weathergram (bring your pens - other supplies provided) See examples: HERE

Participate in a Supply Swap - Bring calligraphy supplies from your stash to swap and share with other calligraphers

October 6, 2024 1-4 PM  - Free Play Day - Making Folded Pens 

At Carnegie Mellon University

November 2 & 16, 2024, 1-4 PM

Folded Pen Adventures with Carol DuBosch, Portland OR

Online Workshop - two half days

December 8, 2024 1-4 PM – Free Play Day – Decorating Names

At Carnegie Mellon University

Karen Nordstrom Roberts

January 12, 2025 1-4 PM – Free Play Day – Monogram Design

At Carnegie Mellon University

Emily Martin

February 15, 16, 22, 23, 2025

Calligraphy Rhythm & A Spark of Gold

Andrea Wunderlich, Germany

Four 2-hour morning online sessions

March 23, 2025 1-4 PM Free Play Day – Aleph Book

At Carnegie Mellon University, $10 supply fee

Lily Hoy

April 26 & 27, 2025, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Breaking the Rules, Mike Gold, Cleveland OH

In Person at Carnegie Mellon University - two full days

May 18, 2025, 1-4 p.m. – Free Play Day 

At Carnegie Mellon University

Upcoming events

    • April 26, 2025
    • 10:00 AM (EDT)
    • April 27, 2025
    • 5:00 PM (EDT)
    • Carnegie Mellon University / Margaret Morrison #203
    • 6



    with Mike Gold 

    An in-person Workshop at Carnegie Mellon University

    Saturday and Sunday, April 26 - 27, 2025 • 10am - 5pm

    In this workshop, we examine the rules that guide formal hands in order to understand how and why to break those rules. Through a series of exercises, students will create non-traditional, informal, and even abstract letterforms and compositions in order to look beyond traditional, formal calligraphic styles. 

    Participants will practice with a variety of tools, writing surfaces, and media as they gain an appreciation for ways of lettering that may be more suitable for contemporary, commercial, personal, and fine art. Important layout and design strategies will be incorporated into the sessions, and the posting and sharing of individuals’  work will provide inspiration and feedback for all.  Although appropriate for all levels, familiarity and experience with calligraphy  is encouraged. A recording will be available to registrants for six months following the workshop.

    INSTRUCTOR MIKE GOLD worked as a commercial lettering designer for over 35 years, mostly in the social expressions business. But his real passion is exploring the corridors of calligraphy that have been less traveled, the path where words and letters are design elements with which to play with line, shape and form, where creating a visual statement is more important than writing a readable text. In both his professional and personal art, Mike breaks traditional rules to create contemporary, non-traditional work.

    In addition to earning an M.A. in Visual Communications, Mike has studied with many outstanding lettering and design masters over the years. He has taught nation-wide in the US as well as internationally. His work has been featured in Letter Arts Review many times over the past 25 years, and he has also served as a juror for the Letter Arts Review annual. His work resides in many private collections, including the Berlin Calligraphy Archive. His book, Lines to Live By (available through John Neal, Bookseller) details Mike's take on being a non-traditional calligrapher in the 21st century. Mike is especially proud of the collaborative work and teaching he has done with Pittsburgh guild member and dear friend, Judy Melvin. To see more of Mike’s work, please visit his website: 


    or his Instagram @goldie2452.



           Images courtesy of Mike Gold.

    PLEASE NOTE: Our cancellation policy is detailed HERE 


    • May 18, 2025
    • 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM (EDT)
    • Carnegie Mellon University, Margaret Morrison #203
    • 20

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